Config file parsing

Author: Adrian Perez <>
Copyright: 2008-2009 Igalia S.L.


Parse configuration files in key-value pairs and INI-style.



config_filter_uneeded [ commentchar ]

This function acts as a filter, stripping lines which start with a given commentchar, and blank lines as well. By default the command character is # (hash), but can be changed to any other string.


config_keyval destination [ separator [ commentchar ] ]

Parses text in a key-value fashion, and stores key-value pairs in a hash table. Text input must be given as standard input. Arguments:

The default settings will be able of parsing input like the following:

# This is a comment
key1 = value1
key2 = value2
# ...
keyN = valueN

Note that spaces around both keys and values will be strippped.


config_ini destination [ separator [ commentchar ] ]

Parses text from standard in a INI-like fashion. Read values are stored into a hash table which has a nested hash table for each section found. Helper functions for getting values and full sections (config_ini_get). Arguments:

The default settings will be able of parsing input like the following:

# Comments are started like this line, with hash symbols
# Sections are enclosed in brackets
key1 = one

# This is another section
key1 = uno
anotherkey = another value

Note that spaces around both keys and values will be strippped.


config_ini_get hash section [ key ]

Obtains a full section if key is not specified, or the value of a given key of the section otherwise. The given hash table must have the nested structure as the ones created by config_ini.


config_ini_get_chained hash section fallback key default

Obtains a value associated with the given key of a section. If the key does not exist in the section, it will be looked up in the alternative fallback section, and if not given then the default value is printed out.


config_ini_clear hash

Disposes keys and values in a hash table hierarchy as created by config_ini.