
5353PASS image1.right is 150
5454PASS image1.bottom is 275
5555PASS text1.left is 100
56 PASS text1.top is 282.5
57 PASS text1.width is 46
58 PASS text1.height is 6.5
59 PASS text1.right is 146
60 PASS text1.bottom is 289
 56FAIL text1.top should be within 1 of 282. Was 283.0703125.
 57PASS text1.width is within 1 of 46
 58PASS text1.height is within 1 of 6
 59PASS text1.right is within 1 of 146
 60PASS text1.bottom is within 1 of 289
6262PASS svg2.left is 75
6363PASS svg2.top is 100

7878PASS image2.right is 225
7979PASS image2.bottom is 125
8080PASS text2.left is 175
81 PASS text2.top is 132.5
82 PASS text2.width is 49
83 PASS text2.height is 6.5
84 PASS text2.right is 224
85 PASS text2.bottom is 139
 81PASS text2.top is within 1 of 132
 82PASS text2.width is within 1 of 49
 83PASS text2.height is within 1 of 6
 84PASS text2.right is within 1 of 224
 85PASS text2.bottom is within 1 of 139
8787PASS svg3.left is 900
8888PASS svg3.top is 500

103103PASS image3.right is 1200
104104PASS image3.bottom is 550
105105PASS text3.left is 1100
106 PASS text3.top is 565
107 PASS text3.width is 92
108 PASS text3.height is 13
109 PASS text3.right is 1192
110 PASS text3.bottom is 578
 106FAIL text3.top should be within 1 of 565. Was 566.140625.
 107PASS text3.width is within 1 of 92
 108PASS text3.height is within 1 of 12
 109PASS text3.right is within 1 of 1192
 110PASS text3.bottom is within 1 of 577
112112PASS successfullyParsed is true