--- /home/clopez/webkit/webkit/layout-test-results/editing/pasteboard/drag-files-to-editable-element-expected.txt +++ /home/clopez/webkit/webkit/layout-test-results/editing/pasteboard/drag-files-to-editable-element-actual.txt @@ -1,13 +1,10 @@ +CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 35: TypeError: eventSender.beginDragWithFiles is not a function. (In 'eventSender.beginDragWithFiles(files)', 'eventSender.beginDragWithFiles' is undefined) If we drag files onto an editable area, then attachments should be inserted into the editable area. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". -PASS attachment.nodeName is "ATTACHMENT" -PASS attachment.nodeName is "ATTACHMENT" -PASS attachment.nodeName is "ATTACHMENT" -PASS fileNames is "foo bar baz " -PASS successfullyParsed is true +FAIL successfullyParsed should be true (of type boolean). Was undefined (of type undefined). TEST COMPLETE