This tests the parser and serializer for draggable region values. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". FAIL parseDraggableRegion('drag') should be drag. Was . FAIL parseDraggableRegion('no-drag') should be no-drag. Was . Tests for variations in whitespace that are allowed. FAIL parseDraggableRegion(' drag ') should be drag. Was . FAIL parseDraggableRegion(' no-drag ') should be no-drag. Was . Tests for case insensitivity. FAIL parseDraggableRegion('Drag') should be drag. Was . FAIL parseDraggableRegion('DrAG') should be drag. Was . FAIL parseDraggableRegion('NO-DrAG') should be no-drag. Was . FAIL parseDraggableRegion('NO-DRAG') should be no-drag. Was . Some expected failures. FAIL parseDraggableRegion('') should be null (of type object). Was (of type string). FAIL parseDraggableRegion(' ') should be null (of type object). Was (of type string). FAIL parseDraggableRegion('x') should be null (of type object). Was (of type string). FAIL parseDraggableRegion('x-') should be null (of type object). Was (of type string). FAIL parseDraggableRegion('x()') should be null (of type object). Was (of type string). FAIL parseDraggableRegion('x(a)') should be null (of type object). Was (of type string). FAIL parseDraggableRegion('none x') should be null (of type object). Was (of type string). FAIL parseDraggableRegion('none x()') should be null (of type object). Was (of type string). FAIL parseDraggableRegion('none x(a)') should be null (of type object). Was (of type string). PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE