
7 PASS parseDraggableRegion('drag') is 'drag'
8 PASS parseDraggableRegion('no-drag') is 'no-drag'
 7FAIL parseDraggableRegion('drag') should be drag. Was .
 8FAIL parseDraggableRegion('no-drag') should be no-drag. Was .
1010Tests for variations in whitespace that are allowed.
12 PASS parseDraggableRegion(' drag ') is 'drag'
13 PASS parseDraggableRegion(' no-drag ') is 'no-drag'
 12FAIL parseDraggableRegion(' drag ') should be drag. Was .
 13FAIL parseDraggableRegion(' no-drag ') should be no-drag. Was .
1515Tests for case insensitivity.
17 PASS parseDraggableRegion('Drag') is 'drag'
18 PASS parseDraggableRegion('DrAG') is 'drag'
19 PASS parseDraggableRegion('NO-DrAG') is 'no-drag'
20 PASS parseDraggableRegion('NO-DRAG') is 'no-drag'
 17FAIL parseDraggableRegion('Drag') should be drag. Was .
 18FAIL parseDraggableRegion('DrAG') should be drag. Was .
 19FAIL parseDraggableRegion('NO-DrAG') should be no-drag. Was .
 20FAIL parseDraggableRegion('NO-DRAG') should be no-drag. Was .
2222Some expected failures.
24 PASS parseDraggableRegion('') is null
25 PASS parseDraggableRegion(' ') is null
26 PASS parseDraggableRegion('x') is null
27 PASS parseDraggableRegion('x-') is null
28 PASS parseDraggableRegion('x()') is null
29 PASS parseDraggableRegion('x(a)') is null
30 PASS parseDraggableRegion('none x') is null
31 PASS parseDraggableRegion('none x()') is null
32 PASS parseDraggableRegion('none x(a)') is null
 24FAIL parseDraggableRegion('') should be null (of type object). Was (of type string).
 25FAIL parseDraggableRegion(' ') should be null (of type object). Was (of type string).
 26FAIL parseDraggableRegion('x') should be null (of type object). Was (of type string).
 27FAIL parseDraggableRegion('x-') should be null (of type object). Was (of type string).
 28FAIL parseDraggableRegion('x()') should be null (of type object). Was (of type string).
 29FAIL parseDraggableRegion('x(a)') should be null (of type object). Was (of type string).
 30FAIL parseDraggableRegion('none x') should be null (of type object). Was (of type string).
 31FAIL parseDraggableRegion('none x()') should be null (of type object). Was (of type string).
 32FAIL parseDraggableRegion('none x(a)') should be null (of type object). Was (of type string).
3434PASS successfullyParsed is true