
1 layer at (0,0) size 785x3241
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22 RenderView at (0,0) size 785x600
3 layer at (0,0) size 785x3241
4  RenderBlock {HTML} at (0,0) size 785x3241
5  RenderBody {BODY} at (8,16) size 769x3209
 3layer at (0,0) size 785x3233
 4 RenderBlock {HTML} at (0,0) size 785x3233
 5 RenderBody {BODY} at (8,16) size 769x3201
66layer at (8,16) size 760x365
77 RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,0) size 760x365 [border: (5px solid #800000)]
88 RenderBlock {H2} at (5,24) size 750x27 [bgcolor=#EEEEEE]

297297 text run at (0,136) width 343: "condimentum vestibulum. Suspendisse hendrerit quam"
298298 text run at (0,153) width 362: "nec felis. Sed varius turpis vitae pede. Lorem ipsum dolor"
299299 text run at (0,170) width 229: "sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."
300 layer at (8,2355) size 760x423
301  RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,2339) size 760x424 [border: (5px solid #800000)]
302  RenderMultiColumnSet at (5,5) size 750x321
303  RenderBlock {H2} at (5,345) size 750x53 [bgcolor=#EEEEEE]
 300layer at (8,2355) size 760x415
 301 RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,2339) size 760x416 [border: (5px solid #800000)]
 302 RenderMultiColumnSet at (5,5) size 750x313
 303 RenderBlock {H2} at (5,337) size 750x53 [bgcolor=#EEEEEE]
304304 RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 707x52
305305 text run at (0,0) width 707: "This is a spanning element at the end of the columns block with block"
306306 text run at (0,26) width 83: "siblings."
307  RenderMultiColumnSet at (5,417) size 750x0
308 layer at (13,2360) size 367x625
309  RenderMultiColumnFlowThread at (5,5) size 367x625
 307 RenderMultiColumnSet at (5,409) size 750x0
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 309 RenderMultiColumnFlowThread at (5,5) size 367x626
310310 RenderBlock {P} at (0,16) size 367x187
311311 RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 362x187
312312 text run at (0,0) width 354: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."

320320 text run at (0,136) width 343: "condimentum vestibulum. Suspendisse hendrerit quam"
321321 text run at (0,153) width 362: "nec felis. Sed varius turpis vitae pede. Lorem ipsum dolor"
322322 text run at (0,170) width 229: "sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."
323  RenderBlock {P} at (0,219) size 367x187
324  RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 362x187
325  text run at (0,0) width 354: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."
326  text run at (0,17) width 351: "Nulla varius enim ac mi. Curabitur sollicitudin felis quis"
327  text run at (0,34) width 325: "lectus. Quisque adipiscing rhoncus sem. Proin nulla"
328  text run at (0,51) width 358: "purus, vulputate vel, varius ut, euismod et, nisi. Sed vitae"
329  text run at (0,68) width 343: "felis vel orci sagittis aliquam. Cras convallis adipiscing"
330  text run at (0,85) width 340: "sem. Nam nonummy enim. Nullam bibendum lobortis"
331  text run at (0,102) width 344: "neque. Vestibulum velit orci, tempus euismod, pretium"
332  text run at (0,119) width 343: "quis, interdum vitae, nulla. Phasellus eget ante et tortor"
333  text run at (0,136) width 343: "condimentum vestibulum. Suspendisse hendrerit quam"
334  text run at (0,153) width 362: "nec felis. Sed varius turpis vitae pede. Lorem ipsum dolor"
335  text run at (0,170) width 229: "sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."
336  RenderBlock {P} at (0,422) size 367x187
337  RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 362x187
338  text run at (0,0) width 354: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."
339  text run at (0,17) width 351: "Nulla varius enim ac mi. Curabitur sollicitudin felis quis"
340  text run at (0,34) width 325: "lectus. Quisque adipiscing rhoncus sem. Proin nulla"
341  text run at (0,51) width 358: "purus, vulputate vel, varius ut, euismod et, nisi. Sed vitae"
342  text run at (0,68) width 343: "felis vel orci sagittis aliquam. Cras convallis adipiscing"
343  text run at (0,85) width 340: "sem. Nam nonummy enim. Nullam bibendum lobortis"
344  text run at (0,102) width 344: "neque. Vestibulum velit orci, tempus euismod, pretium"
345  text run at (0,119) width 343: "quis, interdum vitae, nulla. Phasellus eget ante et tortor"
346  text run at (0,136) width 343: "condimentum vestibulum. Suspendisse hendrerit quam"
347  text run at (0,153) width 362: "nec felis. Sed varius turpis vitae pede. Lorem ipsum dolor"
348  text run at (0,170) width 229: "sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."
349  RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder at (0,625) size 0x0
350 layer at (8,2794) size 760x431
351  RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,2778) size 760x431 [border: (5px solid #800000)]
 323 RenderBlock {P} at (0,219) size 367x196
 324 RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 362x196
 325 text run at (0,0) width 354: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."
 326 text run at (0,17) width 351: "Nulla varius enim ac mi. Curabitur sollicitudin felis quis"
 327 text run at (0,34) width 325: "lectus. Quisque adipiscing rhoncus sem. Proin nulla"
 328 text run at (0,51) width 358: "purus, vulputate vel, varius ut, euismod et, nisi. Sed vitae"
 329 text run at (0,68) width 343: "felis vel orci sagittis aliquam. Cras convallis adipiscing"
 330 text run at (0,94) width 340: "sem. Nam nonummy enim. Nullam bibendum lobortis"
 331 text run at (0,111) width 344: "neque. Vestibulum velit orci, tempus euismod, pretium"
 332 text run at (0,128) width 343: "quis, interdum vitae, nulla. Phasellus eget ante et tortor"
 333 text run at (0,145) width 343: "condimentum vestibulum. Suspendisse hendrerit quam"
 334 text run at (0,162) width 362: "nec felis. Sed varius turpis vitae pede. Lorem ipsum dolor"
 335 text run at (0,179) width 229: "sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."
 336 RenderBlock {P} at (0,431) size 367x187
 337 RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 362x187
 338 text run at (0,0) width 354: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."
 339 text run at (0,17) width 351: "Nulla varius enim ac mi. Curabitur sollicitudin felis quis"
 340 text run at (0,34) width 325: "lectus. Quisque adipiscing rhoncus sem. Proin nulla"
 341 text run at (0,51) width 358: "purus, vulputate vel, varius ut, euismod et, nisi. Sed vitae"
 342 text run at (0,68) width 343: "felis vel orci sagittis aliquam. Cras convallis adipiscing"
 343 text run at (0,85) width 340: "sem. Nam nonummy enim. Nullam bibendum lobortis"
 344 text run at (0,102) width 344: "neque. Vestibulum velit orci, tempus euismod, pretium"
 345 text run at (0,119) width 343: "quis, interdum vitae, nulla. Phasellus eget ante et tortor"
 346 text run at (0,136) width 343: "condimentum vestibulum. Suspendisse hendrerit quam"
 347 text run at (0,153) width 362: "nec felis. Sed varius turpis vitae pede. Lorem ipsum dolor"
 348 text run at (0,170) width 229: "sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."
 349 RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder at (0,626) size 0x0
 350layer at (8,2786) size 760x431
 351 RenderBlock {DIV} at (0,2770) size 760x431 [border: (5px solid #800000)]
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354354 RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 741x52
355355 text run at (0,0) width 741: "This is a spanning element in the middle of the columns block with block"
356356 text run at (0,26) width 83: "siblings."
357357 RenderMultiColumnSet at (5,307) size 750x119
358 layer at (13,2799) size 367x633 backgroundClip at (0,0) size 785x3241 clip at (0,0) size 785x3241 outlineClip at (0,0) size 785x3241
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361361 RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 362x187