
1 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: caught inline: {"line":1,"column":36}
2 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 38: catchNested caught exception: {"line":3,"column":11,"sourceURL":"exception.js"}
3 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 38: catchNested caught exception: {"code":8,"name":"NotFoundError","message":"The object can not be found here.","line":8,"column":30,"sourceURL":"exception.js"}
4 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 38: catchNested caught exception: "exception in host function"
5 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 38: catchNested caught exception: "exception string"
6 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 38: catchNested caught exception: {"line":1,"column":61}
7 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '({}).a.b')
8 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 3: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '({}).a.b')
9 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 8: NotFoundError (DOM Exception 8): The object can not be found here.
10 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 24: exception in host function
11 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 13: exception string
12 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 18: [object Object]
13 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 18: Error: error message
14 Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions all
 1FAIL: Timed out waiting for notifyDone to be called
16 Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions - all
17 PASS - did not pause on non-exception statements
18 Paused!
19 Resumed
20 Paused!
21 Resumed
22 Paused!
23 Resumed
24 Paused!
25 Resumed
26 Paused!
27 Resumed
28 Paused!
29 Resumed
30 PASS - paused for each caught exception
31 Paused!
32 Resumed
33 Paused!
34 Resumed
35 Paused!
36 Resumed
37 Paused!
38 Resumed
39 Paused!
40 Resumed
41 Paused!
42 Resumed
43 Paused!
44 Resumed
45 PASS - paused for each uncaught exception
46 PASS - did not pause on non-exception statements