1 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: caught inline: {"line":1,"column":36}
2 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 38: catchNested caught exception: {"line":3,"column":11,"sourceURL":"exception.js"}
3 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 38: catchNested caught exception: {"code":8,"name":"NotFoundError","message":"The object can not be found here.","line":8,"column":30,"sourceURL":"exception.js"}
4 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 38: catchNested caught exception: "exception in host function"
5 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 38: catchNested caught exception: "exception string"
6 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 38: catchNested caught exception: {"line":1,"column":61}
7 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '({}).a.b')
8 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 3: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '({}).a.b')
9 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 8: NotFoundError (DOM Exception 8): The object can not be found here.
10 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 24: exception in host function
11 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 13: exception string
12 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 18: [object Object]
13 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 18: Error: error message
14 Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions all