
99EXPECTED (video.currentTime == '0.25') OK
1010EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues.length == '1') OK
1111EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues[0].text == 'تجربة') OK
12 EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == 'تجربة') OK
 12EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == 'تجربة'), OBSERVED 'تجربة ' FAIL
1414** The position should be default and CSS direction set to rtl **
1515EXPECTED (2 * testCueDisplayBox.offsetLeft == video.videoWidth - testCueDisplayBox.offsetWidth == 'true') OK

2222EXPECTED (video.currentTime == '0.75') OK
2323EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues.length == '1') OK
2424EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues[0].text == ' 1234') OK
25 EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == ' 1234') OK
 25EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == ' 1234'), OBSERVED ' 1234 ' FAIL
2727** The position should be default and CSS direction set to ltr **
2828EXPECTED (2 * testCueDisplayBox.offsetLeft == video.videoWidth - testCueDisplayBox.offsetWidth == 'true') OK

3535EXPECTED (video.currentTime == '1.25') OK
3636EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues.length == '1') OK
3737EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues[0].text == 'تجربة LTR new line, but cue should be RTL') OK
38 EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == 'تجربة LTR new line, but cue should be RTL') OK
 38EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == 'تجربة LTR new line, but cue should be RTL'), OBSERVED 'تجربة LTR new line, but cue should be RTL ' FAIL
4040** The position should be default and CSS direction set to rtl **
4141EXPECTED (2 * testCueDisplayBox.offsetLeft == video.videoWidth - testCueDisplayBox.offsetWidth == 'true') OK

4848EXPECTED (video.currentTime == '1.75') OK
4949EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues.length == '1') OK
5050EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues[0].text == 'LTR cue تجربة') OK
51 EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == 'LTR cue تجربة') OK
 51EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == 'LTR cue تجربة'), OBSERVED 'LTR cue تجربة ' FAIL
5353** The position should be default and CSS direction set to ltr **
5454EXPECTED (2 * testCueDisplayBox.offsetLeft == video.videoWidth - testCueDisplayBox.offsetWidth == 'true') OK

6161EXPECTED (video.currentTime == '2.25') OK
6262EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues.length == '1') OK
6363EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues[0].text == ';1234تجربة') OK
64 EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == ';1234تجربة') OK
 64EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == ';1234تجربة'), OBSERVED ';1234تجربة ' FAIL
6666** The position should be default and CSS direction set to rtl **
6767EXPECTED (2 * testCueDisplayBox.offsetLeft == video.videoWidth - testCueDisplayBox.offsetWidth == 'true') OK

7474EXPECTED (video.currentTime == '2.75') OK
7575EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues.length == '1') OK
7676EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues[0].text == ' ०१२३४५६७८९ ') OK
77 EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == ' ०१२३४५६७८९ ') OK
 77EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == ' ०१२३४५६७८९ '), OBSERVED ' ०१२३४५६७८९ ' FAIL
7979** The position should be default and CSS direction set to ltr **
8080EXPECTED (2 * testCueDisplayBox.offsetLeft == video.videoWidth - testCueDisplayBox.offsetWidth == 'true') OK