
6262PASS (new File([], 'world.html', {type:'text/html'})).type is 'text/html'
6363PASS (new File([], 'world.html', {type:'text/html'})).size is 0
6464PASS (new File([], 'world.html', {type:'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'})).type is 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'
65 PASS (new File([], 'world.html', {lastModified: 441532800000})).lastModified is 441532800000
 65FAIL (new File([], 'world.html', {lastModified: 441532800000})).lastModified should be 441532800000. Was -848831488.
6666PASS (new File([], 'world.html')).lastModified is equivalent to Date.now().
6767PASS (new File([], 'world.html', {})).lastModified is equivalent to Date.now().
6868PASS (new File([], 'world.html', {type: 'text/plain'})).lastModified is equivalent to Date.now().
69 PASS (new File([], 'world.html', {lastModified: new Date(441532800000)})).lastModified is 441532800000
 69FAIL (new File([], 'world.html', {lastModified: new Date(441532800000)})).lastModified should be 441532800000. Was -848831488.
7070PASS window.File.length is 2
7171PASS new File([new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(100))], 'world.html').size is 100
7272PASS new File([new Uint8Array(100)], 'world.html').size is 100

9999PASS new File({length: 0}, 'world.txt').size is 0
100100PASS new File({length: 1, 0: 'string'}, 'world.txt').size is 6
101101PASS successfullyParsed is true
 102Some tests failed.