
88PASS rect.x.animVal.value is 100
99PASS rect.x.baseVal.value is 100
1010PASS rect.x.animVal.value is 300
11 PASS rect.x.animVal.value is 100
 11FAIL rect.x.animVal.value should be close to 100. Was 300.
1212PASS getComputedStyle(rect).getPropertyCSSValue('opacity').getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER) is 0.8
13 PASS rect.x.animVal.value is 100
 13FAIL rect.x.animVal.value should be close to 100. Was 200.
1414FAIL getComputedStyle(rect).getPropertyCSSValue('opacity').getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER) should be close to 1. Was 0.800000011920929.
1515PASS rect.x.animVal.value is 200
1616PASS rect.x.baseVal.value is 100