
2828from EUC control to UTF8 content-editable: PASS
2929from UTF8 div to EUC text-control: PASS
3030from UTF8 div to EUC content-editable: PASS
31 from UTF8 transform to EUC text-control: PASS
32 from UTF8 transform to EUC content-editable: PASS
 31from UTF8 transform to EUC text-control: FAIL: the actual text was 'FAIL' (char code of the first character was 70)
 32from UTF8 transform to EUC content-editable: FAIL: the actual text was 'the' (char code of the first character was 116)
3333from UTF8 secure to EUC text-control: PASS
3434from UTF8 secure to EUC content-editable: PASS
3535from UTF8 control to EUC text-control: PASS