Test that directionality is set correctly on cues. ** RTL cues alternate with LTR cues ** EVENT(canplaythrough) EVENT(seeked) ** Jump to next cue ** EXPECTED (video.currentTime == '0.25') OK EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues.length == '1') OK EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues[0].text == 'تجربة') OK EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == 'تجربة') OK ** The position should be default and CSS direction set to rtl ** EXPECTED (2 * testCueDisplayBox.offsetLeft == video.videoWidth - testCueDisplayBox.offsetWidth == 'true') OK EXPECTED (getComputedStyle(testCueDisplayBox).direction == 'rtl') OK RUN(video.currentTime = 0.75) EVENT(seeked) ** Jump to next cue ** EXPECTED (video.currentTime == '0.75') OK EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues.length == '1') OK EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues[0].text == ' 1234') OK EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == ' 1234') OK ** The position should be default and CSS direction set to ltr ** EXPECTED (2 * testCueDisplayBox.offsetLeft == video.videoWidth - testCueDisplayBox.offsetWidth == 'true') OK EXPECTED (getComputedStyle(testCueDisplayBox).direction == 'ltr') OK RUN(video.currentTime = 1.25) EVENT(seeked) ** Jump to next cue ** EXPECTED (video.currentTime == '1.25') OK EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues.length == '1') OK EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues[0].text == 'تجربة LTR new line, but cue should be RTL') OK EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == 'تجربة LTR new line, but cue should be RTL') OK ** The position should be default and CSS direction set to rtl ** EXPECTED (2 * testCueDisplayBox.offsetLeft == video.videoWidth - testCueDisplayBox.offsetWidth == 'true') OK EXPECTED (getComputedStyle(testCueDisplayBox).direction == 'rtl') OK RUN(video.currentTime = 1.75) EVENT(seeked) ** Jump to next cue ** EXPECTED (video.currentTime == '1.75') OK EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues.length == '1') OK EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues[0].text == 'LTR cue تجربة') OK EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == 'LTR cue تجربة') OK ** The position should be default and CSS direction set to ltr ** EXPECTED (2 * testCueDisplayBox.offsetLeft == video.videoWidth - testCueDisplayBox.offsetWidth == 'true') OK EXPECTED (getComputedStyle(testCueDisplayBox).direction == 'ltr') OK RUN(video.currentTime = 2.25) EVENT(seeked) ** Jump to next cue ** EXPECTED (video.currentTime == '2.25') OK EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues.length == '1') OK EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues[0].text == ';1234تجربة') OK EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == ';1234تجربة') OK ** The position should be default and CSS direction set to rtl ** EXPECTED (2 * testCueDisplayBox.offsetLeft == video.videoWidth - testCueDisplayBox.offsetWidth == 'true') OK EXPECTED (getComputedStyle(testCueDisplayBox).direction == 'rtl') OK RUN(video.currentTime = 2.75) EVENT(seeked) ** Jump to next cue ** EXPECTED (video.currentTime == '2.75') OK EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues.length == '1') OK EXPECTED (testTrack.track.activeCues[0].text == ' ०१२३४५६७८९ ') OK EXPECTED (testCueDisplayBox.innerText == ' ०१२३४५६७८९ ') OK ** The position should be default and CSS direction set to ltr ** EXPECTED (2 * testCueDisplayBox.offsetLeft == video.videoWidth - testCueDisplayBox.offsetWidth == 'true') OK EXPECTED (getComputedStyle(testCueDisplayBox).direction == 'ltr') OK END OF TEST