
33On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
6 PASS 'capture' in input is true
7 PASS input.capture is false
 6FAIL 'capture' in input should be true. Was false.
 7FAIL input.capture should be false (of type boolean). Was undefined (of type undefined).
88PASS input.hasAttribute('capture') is false
9 PASS input.capture is false
 9FAIL input.capture should be false (of type boolean). Was undefined (of type undefined).
1010PASS input.hasAttribute('capture') is false
11 PASS input.capture is true
 11FAIL input.capture should be true (of type boolean). Was undefined (of type undefined).
 12PASS input.hasAttribute('capture') is true
 13FAIL input.capture should be false (of type boolean). Was undefined (of type undefined).
 14PASS input.hasAttribute('capture') is false
 15FAIL input.capture should be true (of type boolean). Was undefined (of type undefined).
1216PASS input.hasAttribute('capture') is true
1317PASS input.capture is false
14 PASS input.hasAttribute('capture') is false
15 PASS input.capture is true
16 PASS input.hasAttribute('capture') is true
17 PASS input.capture is false
18 PASS input.hasAttribute('capture') is false
 18FAIL input.hasAttribute('capture') should be false. Was true.
1919PASS input.capture is true
2020PASS input.hasAttribute('capture') is true
2121PASS successfullyParsed is true