--- /home/clopez/webkit/webkit/layout-test-results/editing/selection/5232159-expected.txt +++ /home/clopez/webkit/webkit/layout-test-results/editing/selection/5232159-actual.txt @@ -23,5 +23,4 @@ text run at (0,34) width 740: "tincidunt, ipsum metus tristique risus, et convallis turpis elit eget massa. Nunc consectetuer dolor vel nunc. Cum sociis" text run at (0,51) width 753: "natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque dapibus ante et nulla. Cras nec velit." text run at (0,68) width 645: "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer ut tortor." -selection start: position 3 of child 0 {#text} of child 1 {SPAN} of child 1 {DIV} of child 1 {DIV} of child 3 {DIV} of body -selection end: position 236 of child 2 {#text} of child 1 {DIV} of child 1 {DIV} of child 3 {DIV} of body +caret: position 236 of child 2 {#text} of child 1 {DIV} of child 1 {DIV} of child 3 {DIV} of body