--- /home/clopez/webkit/webkit/layout-test-results/editing/spelling/spelling-with-punctuation-selection-expected.txt +++ /home/clopez/webkit/webkit/layout-test-results/editing/spelling/spelling-with-punctuation-selection-actual.txt @@ -1,14 +1,2 @@ -Punctuation marks should be treated as whitespace: spelling should ignore them. To test manually, type 'wellcome!' and select 'wellcome!'. The test succeeds when 'wellcome' has spelling marker. +FAIL: Timed out waiting for notifyDone to be called -On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". - - -PASS internals.markerCountForNode(destination.childNodes[0], "spelling") became different from 0 -PASS spellingMarkerRange.toString() is "welllcome" -PASS window.getSelection().toString() is "" -PASS window.getSelection().toString() is "welllcome!" -PASS spellingMarkerRange.toString() became "welllcome" -PASS successfullyParsed is true - -TEST COMPLETE -welllcome!