
1 Test IndexedDB primary key ordering and readback from cursors.
 1FAIL: Timed out waiting for notifyDone to be called
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
6 indexedDB = self.indexedDB || self.webkitIndexedDB || self.mozIndexedDB || self.msIndexedDB || self.OIndexedDB;
8 indexedDB.deleteDatabase(dbname)
9 indexedDB.open(dbname)
10 store = db.createObjectStore('store')
11 index = store.createIndex('index', 'indexKey')
13 populating store...
14 trans = db.transaction('store', 'readwrite')
15 store = trans.objectStore('store');
16 store.put({"indexKey":0,"count":0}, 'c')
17 store.put({"indexKey":0,"count":1}, 'b')
18 store.put({"indexKey":0,"count":2}, 'a')
19 store.put({"indexKey":0,"count":3}, 'C')
20 store.put({"indexKey":0,"count":4}, 'B')
21 store.put({"indexKey":0,"count":5}, 'A')
22 store.put({"indexKey":0,"count":6}, '2')
23 store.put({"indexKey":0,"count":7}, '1')
24 store.put({"indexKey":0,"count":8}, '0')
25 store.put({"indexKey":0,"count":9}, Infinity)
26 store.put({"indexKey":0,"count":10}, 2)
27 store.put({"indexKey":0,"count":11}, 1)
28 store.put({"indexKey":0,"count":12}, 0)
29 store.put({"indexKey":0,"count":13}, -1)
30 store.put({"indexKey":0,"count":14}, -2)
31 store.put({"indexKey":0,"count":15}, -Infinity)
33 iterating cursor...
34 trans = db.transaction('store', 'readonly')
35 store = trans.objectStore('store');
36 index = store.index('index');
37 cursorRequest = index.openCursor()
38 count = 0
39 cursor = cursorRequest.result
40 PASS cursor.key is 0
41 PASS cursor.primaryKey is -Infinity
42 cursor = cursorRequest.result
43 PASS cursor.key is 0
44 PASS cursor.primaryKey is -2
45 cursor = cursorRequest.result
46 PASS cursor.key is 0
47 PASS cursor.primaryKey is -1
48 cursor = cursorRequest.result
49 PASS cursor.key is 0
50 PASS cursor.primaryKey is 0
51 cursor = cursorRequest.result
52 PASS cursor.key is 0
53 PASS cursor.primaryKey is 1
54 cursor = cursorRequest.result
55 PASS cursor.key is 0
56 PASS cursor.primaryKey is 2
57 cursor = cursorRequest.result
58 PASS cursor.key is 0
59 PASS cursor.primaryKey is Infinity
60 cursor = cursorRequest.result
61 PASS cursor.key is 0
62 PASS cursor.primaryKey is '0'
63 cursor = cursorRequest.result
64 PASS cursor.key is 0
65 PASS cursor.primaryKey is '1'
66 cursor = cursorRequest.result
67 PASS cursor.key is 0
68 PASS cursor.primaryKey is '2'
69 cursor = cursorRequest.result
70 PASS cursor.key is 0
71 PASS cursor.primaryKey is 'A'
72 cursor = cursorRequest.result
73 PASS cursor.key is 0
74 PASS cursor.primaryKey is 'B'
75 cursor = cursorRequest.result
76 PASS cursor.key is 0
77 PASS cursor.primaryKey is 'C'
78 cursor = cursorRequest.result
79 PASS cursor.key is 0
80 PASS cursor.primaryKey is 'a'
81 cursor = cursorRequest.result
82 PASS cursor.key is 0
83 PASS cursor.primaryKey is 'b'
84 cursor = cursorRequest.result
85 PASS cursor.key is 0
86 PASS cursor.primaryKey is 'c'
87 PASS count is keys.length
88 PASS successfullyParsed is true