Analysis of Ozone Wayland

by Igalia | latest update: 2016/10/08


This document gives a quick overview of the structure of Ozone and more specifically what is used by the Wayland platform to perform accelerated rendering in a separate GPU process. Here we align with Google's goal and focus on doing accelerated rendering, using Mojo IPC and running chrome --mash.

Ozone Architecture

Ozone Platform

OzonePlatform is the main Ozone interface used to instantiate and initialize an Ozone platform (X11, Wayland, DRM/GBM...). It provides factory getters for helper classes (SurfaceFactoryOzone, PlatformWindow...).

The goal is to have OzonePlatform::InitializeForUI and OzonePlatform::InitializeForGPU called from different processes as well as two different Mojo connectors for the UI and GPU services respectively. However at the time of writing, the two components are only in different threads in the same process. There is also only one Mojo connector available: The one for the mojo:ui service, passed to OzonePlatform::InitializeForUI.

Two important implementations to consider in this project are OzonePlatformWayland (the one we work on) and OzonePlatformGbm (the one that seems the best maintained and tested upstream).

Native Display Delegate

NativeDisplayDelegate is used to perform display configuration. The DRM/GBM platform has its own DrmNativeDisplayDelegate implementation. For the Wayland platform, we do not actually need real display devices, so we just do as for X11 and use the FakeDisplayDelegate class. See Issue 2389053003.


AcceleratedWidget is just a platform-specific object representing a surface on which compositors can paint pixels.

PlatformWindow represents a single window in the underlying platform windowing system with the usual property: It can be minimized, maximized, closed, put in fullscreen, etc

PlatformWindowDelegate. This is just a delegate to which the PlatformWindow sends events like e.g. OnBoundsChanged.

The implementations of PlatformWindow used for the Wayland and DRM/GBM platforms are respectively WaylandWindow and DrmWindow. At the moment, several features in WaylandWindow are not fully implemented but the minimal code to paint content into the window is present.

Surface and OpenGL

SurfaceFactoryOzone provides surface to be used to paint on a window. The implementations for the Wayland and DRM/GBM platforms are respectively WaylandSurfaceFactory and GbmSurfaceFactory. There are two options:

In this project, we focus on accelerated rendering and on EGL, so we consider the GLOzoneEGL class. The following virtual pure functions must be implemented in derived class:

SurfaceFactoryOzone also provides functions to create NativePixmap, which represents a buffer that can be directly imported via GL for rendering, or exported via dma-buf fds. The DRM/GBM platform implements it and uses GbmPixmap. For now, such pixmap objects are not needed by the Wayland platform so the SurfaceFactoryOzone function members are not implemented.

The instances of GLSurface returned by CreateViewGLSurface for the Wayland and DRM/GBM platforms are respectively GLSurfaceWayland and GbmSurface. GLSurfaceWayland is just a gl::NativeViewGLSurfaceEGL associated to a window created by wl_egl_window_create. GbmSurface instead provides surface-like semantics by deriving from GbmSurfaceless itself deriving from gl::SurfacelessEGL. Internally, a framebuffer is bound automatically for GL drawing in the GPU and the result are exported to the UI via pixmaps.

Wayland Platform

Wayland Connection

WaylandConnection is a class specific to the Wayland platform that helps to instantiate all the objects necessary to communicate with the Wayland display server.

It also manages a map from gfx::AcceleratedWidget instances to WaylandWindow instances that you can modify with the public GetWindow, AddWindow and RemoveWindow function members.

Wayland Platform Initialization

Wayland Window

A WaylandWindow is tied to a WaylandConnection and takes care of registering and unregistering itself to that WaylandConnection. It is merely a wrapper to native Wayland surfaces (wl_surface and xdg_surface) with additional window bounds. It also maintains communication with the PlatformWindowDelegate.

Wayland Surface and OpenGL

Currently, the constructor of WaylandSurfaceFactory receives the WaylandConnection. Because we want the UI process to hold the WaylandConnection and the GPU process to use WaylandSurfaceFactory for the GL rendering, the current setup will not work after mus is split. Instead, we should pass it the Mojo connector of the mojo:gpu service in order to indirectly communicate with the mojo:ui service (for testing purpose, we can for now just use the Mojo connector of the mojo:ui service passed to OzonePlatformWayland::InitializeUI).

The WaylandSurfaceFactory::CreateCanvasForWidget function and the WaylandCanvasSurface instance created require the WaylandConnection. However, they are used for software rendering so we can ignore them for now.

GLOzoneEGL::LoadGLES2Bindings and GLOzoneEGL::CreateOffscreenGLSurface do not seem fundamental here and they do not need any Wayland-specific code. Hence we can probably just keep the current default implementations.

At the moment GLOzoneEGLWayland::GetNativeDisplay just returns a native display provided by the WaylandConnection. It seems that we will not be able to do so when the WaylandConnection is no longer available on the GPU side. Probably we should just do like GLOzoneEGLGbm and return EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY.

The remaining GLOzoneEGLWayland::CreateViewGLSurface uses WaylandConnection::GetWindow to retrieve the WaylandWindow associated to AcceleratedWidget to draw on. This window provides a wl_surface and sizes that can be passed to wl_egl_window_create to create an egl_window. Then as said in the previous paragraph, a GLSurfaceWayland instance is created which is merely a gl::NativeViewGLSurfaceEGL associated to the egl_window.


The main problem in the current setup is that the GLOzoneEGLWayland code is very tied to the Wayland native objects (connection, surface, window...). We should instead only provide a Mojo connector to the GLOzoneEGLWayland class and hence to the GLSurfaceWayland class it constructs. Instances of WaylandWindow and WaylandConnector will only live on the UI side while the GL classes will live on the GPU side.

The GLSurfaceWayland should be rewritten to derive from SurfacelessEGL instead of NativeViewGLSurfaceEGL. We would then follow what is done in GbmSurface to provide some surface-like semantics but without the need to have a real egl_window object. Under the hood, the GL drawings will be performed on a framebuffer.

We should then find a way to export those framebuffers to the UI component via the Mojo connector. Again, following the DRM/GBM code with this NativePixmap objects seems the right option. At the end, the UI would convert the buffers into wl_buffers that can finally be attach to the wl_surface of the WaylandWindow.