
Translations of GNOME manuals are made in the same way than translation of applications, using .po files based on gettext system.

In order to translate a manual to a new language you have to follow the next steps:

  1. Create a folder inside help directory called as the language code.

    mkdir help/<langcode>

  2. Create a figures folder (this is only needed if it exists a figures folder inside help/C).

    mkdir help/<langcode>/figures

  3. Add the new language code to DOC_LINGUAS in

    DOC_LINGUAS = es, fr, it, <langcode>

  4. Use make inside the folder help, this will generate a file <langcode>/<langcode>.po.


  5. Now, you should translate the new .po file using some translation tool, or manually editing the file. However, it is strongly recommended to use some translation tool, because of this kind of applications will help you a lot during the translation process.

  6. Once the translation is done, the last step should be prepare a patch to be sent to the translation team of this language, or directly to the developers, depending on the situation. You should not forget to update the ChangeLog file inside the help folder.

This way to do the translations, using gettext as translation system, has a big advantage, because of people used to translate applications can translate tutorials without any extra effort, just using the same tools and translating a new .po file. The translation process of a manual is transparent for them.