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Andrés Gómez García's
PXES resources

Available PXES resources:
  • [Patch] for the PXES v.1.0.6 base package which modifies the shutdown and reboot options. To apply:
    $ cd /opt/pxes-1.0
    $ patch -p 1 -i <patch_path>
  • [Patch] for the PXES v.1.0.6 base package which adds the SAMBA_NETBIOS_DOMAIN, SAMBA_NETBIOS_NAME_ENABLED, SAMBA_NETBIOS_NAMELOCAL_PRINTER_NAME  variables and puts the SAMBA security mode to  share. To apply:
    $ cd /opt/pxes-1.0
    $ patch -p 1 -i <patch_path>
    You have to remember to set the variables, SAMBA_NETBIOS_DOMAIN, SAMBA_NETBIOS_NAME_ENABLED y LOCAL_PRINTER_NAME into the default.conf file.
  • [Package] with a PXES kernel 2.4.20 with Linux Progress Patch, ACPI y APM (automatic shutdown) support.
  • Patch to enable the boot progress bar with Linux Progress Patch (not yet uploaded).

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CopyLeft Andrés Gómez García 2005.